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Douglas Adams

From Patch demo (1010895,4)

Go to https://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Creative_use_of_extends to see the same references without the patch gerrit:1010895 being applied.

Extreme references[edit | edit source]

[1] [2] [3] [4]



References[edit | edit source]

  1. An otherwise trivial ref with an extremely long name.
  2. A normal ref with a an extremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWord that's way to long.
  3. A ref with a an extremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWord and a name.
  4. A ref with a an extremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWordExtremelyLongWord and an extremely long name.
  5. A ref with multiple paragraphs.

    This is the second.

    And a third one.

  6. Foo Bar Baz
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z
    a b c
    x y z